Thursday, July 21, 2011

The calm before the storm!

Today announced the Fit for flight challenge.  Although I do not know Tejal personally, I am ready to kick her butt (hopefully neither of us will have butts to beat in the end!)  Below is the company announcement for all of my Non-Red Bull Buddies.

It's the battle of "New School" vs. "Old School" pitting two RBNA employees against each other to see which method would work best to reach Fit for Flight success.  It all started when Beth Winkopp, IT Asset Coordinator at RBNA HQ, came to us with an idea: get slim using only video games and technology.  We loved the idea.  Hey!  We're not talking about sitting around for hours burning a calorie or two playing Halo 2 or WOW.  We're talking about pumping up your heart rate by dancing to Xbox 360 Kinect and playing sports with Wii.  It's a good way to squeeze in some exercise without even knowing it.  It also sounds a lot more fun than regular exercise...

...which prompted us to think - what did people do before technology, before all the treadmills, heart rate monitors and the video games?  What happened to good ol' diet and exercise?  What if you get slim using everything but technology?  We thought of Tejal Wilson, Regional Accounts Manager in the Midwest, who had enlisted the help of Fit for Flight a few months ago.  We pitched the idea of helping her reach her goal the old fashioned way.  She immediately said "Yes!"

Here's how it will all play out:
From Monday, July 25th to Friday, September 16th (8 weeks), we challenge Beth (NEW SCHOOL) and Tejal (OLD SCHOOL) to embrace their methods and share with RBNA their experiences and progress via Fit for Flight communication and their own personal blogs:

The person that improves their weight and body fat by % the most wins the challenge.  Inspired by the Price is Right, if Beth wins she gets to keep her showcase of technology as well as Tejal's old school goods.  If Tejal wins, she gets to keep her showcase as well as Beth's new school equipment.

How Can You Participate?

Virtual Competitions:
Challenge Beth in the Fit for Flight virtual gyms.  The Xbox gym will be located in the IT department and the Wii gym will be located in the dining area.  After your challenge, submit the details (game name, who won, etc) to  All results will be posted on Wiiings.

Here is a list of Beth's current games:
xBox360: Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout, Game Party in Motion, EA Sports Active 2, Your Shape Fitness Evolved, Michael Jackson The Experience (can you tell I personally chose this?  Dance competition between me and Beth!)
Wii: Wii Sports, Wii Resort, Wii Fit

Got an Old School Idea?
Pitch it to Tejal to test it out.  Remember the rules!

Follow and Comment on the Blogs:
Beth and Tejal will be blogging for 8 weeks (links above).  Follow their journey and support them!

Let's see who wins the battle of "New School" and "Old School."

Fit for Flight

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