Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bethy's Story, part two... Like Final Fantasy (With 23942 different sequels)

I took my new Xbox and Kinnect home last night to get ready to play all the new games, but since the new trailer for Assassins Creed came out yesterday, I decided to replay AC Brotherhood.  (Xbox GT: BethytheBest and AugInBethany)  Now I know this is prob the biggest slacker idea that I could have come up with, but watching Etzio scale buildings and kill people made me want to get in better shape and strength train.  I want to be able to do a pull up, so I can climb the Colosseum, and survive jumping into a pile of hay.  (As a horseback rider, I actually know how hard and itchy hay really is....It is not something I would use for padding in the event of a fall.)

Although the competition is over, the rest of my life is not!  I am still a nerd (A big one at that) and I still have a few more pounds to lose.  I will no longer be strictly on just a technology workout, but I can promise that I will be still heavily relying on it to stay fit!  Who knows, maybe next year at this time I will be able to pwn the n00bz IRL...  With my fists (Okay, so I do not like to fight, and I actually am against real live violence, but it sounded right in my mind).

Since the major part of the weight loss is over with, I can start get in shape and share it with the world.  And if anyone in Ubisoft wants to send me an advanced copy of AC4 for some free write-ups, I will gladly have that arranged!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The ending credits- How I lost 20lbs playing XBox

The weigh off is over!  Although it has been extremely hard in the process, the results have made me forget the cravings and wining over the workouts.  I dropped 20+ pounds, and dropped my body fat percentage by over 6%.  Tejal lost 15+lbs and 8% Body Fat.  All together we lost almost an entire super model!

I had a wonderful opportunity that I am so thankful that Jackie, Dave, Tejal, and the rest of Red Bull allowed me to participate in!

I cannot explain how wonderful I feel and how confident I have gotten in the past few weeks!  I have not only transformed into my college body, but also the mindset (well, without the keg stands and the beer pong championship... for now!)
Me before fit for Tech, waiting on the Hogwarts express.

9/29/11- After Fit for Tech

College Bethy, on my path to fatness, hanging with Homer.

I feel like this opportunity not only helped me get my butt in gear, but also helped me learn that I can work out with any budget and at any time.  You do not need a gym membership, you just have to get up and have fun!  Something as simple as a kinnect party can burn 200+ calories, which you can do with your buddies.  (You can tech do it drunk, and munching on chips, but that is not going to be productive!)  You can swap out the potato chips for some baked tortilla chips and salsa, and you have a better party snack!  

Many of you are asking how I did it?!