Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bethy's Story, part two... Like Final Fantasy (With 23942 different sequels)

I took my new Xbox and Kinnect home last night to get ready to play all the new games, but since the new trailer for Assassins Creed came out yesterday, I decided to replay AC Brotherhood.  (Xbox GT: BethytheBest and AugInBethany)  Now I know this is prob the biggest slacker idea that I could have come up with, but watching Etzio scale buildings and kill people made me want to get in better shape and strength train.  I want to be able to do a pull up, so I can climb the Colosseum, and survive jumping into a pile of hay.  (As a horseback rider, I actually know how hard and itchy hay really is....It is not something I would use for padding in the event of a fall.)

Although the competition is over, the rest of my life is not!  I am still a nerd (A big one at that) and I still have a few more pounds to lose.  I will no longer be strictly on just a technology workout, but I can promise that I will be still heavily relying on it to stay fit!  Who knows, maybe next year at this time I will be able to pwn the n00bz IRL...  With my fists (Okay, so I do not like to fight, and I actually am against real live violence, but it sounded right in my mind).

Since the major part of the weight loss is over with, I can start get in shape and share it with the world.  And if anyone in Ubisoft wants to send me an advanced copy of AC4 for some free write-ups, I will gladly have that arranged!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The ending credits- How I lost 20lbs playing XBox

The weigh off is over!  Although it has been extremely hard in the process, the results have made me forget the cravings and wining over the workouts.  I dropped 20+ pounds, and dropped my body fat percentage by over 6%.  Tejal lost 15+lbs and 8% Body Fat.  All together we lost almost an entire super model!

I had a wonderful opportunity that I am so thankful that Jackie, Dave, Tejal, and the rest of Red Bull allowed me to participate in!

I cannot explain how wonderful I feel and how confident I have gotten in the past few weeks!  I have not only transformed into my college body, but also the mindset (well, without the keg stands and the beer pong championship... for now!)
Me before fit for Tech, waiting on the Hogwarts express.

9/29/11- After Fit for Tech

College Bethy, on my path to fatness, hanging with Homer.

I feel like this opportunity not only helped me get my butt in gear, but also helped me learn that I can work out with any budget and at any time.  You do not need a gym membership, you just have to get up and have fun!  Something as simple as a kinnect party can burn 200+ calories, which you can do with your buddies.  (You can tech do it drunk, and munching on chips, but that is not going to be productive!)  You can swap out the potato chips for some baked tortilla chips and salsa, and you have a better party snack!  

Many of you are asking how I did it?! 

Monday, September 26, 2011

4 more days!!!

I am so close I can almost taste it, like a breakfast burrito from El Burrito Jr's with free guaq (because the owner thinks I am funny).  I am just ready to take it easy and start conditioning my body with weights and working out.

I think it is funny that when it began, all I wanted was a sprinkles cupcake and some mexican food.  But now I am craving a harder workout and a better life.  I sometimes miss the small stupid indulgences, like cheese fries and In N Out (Grilled cheese....that is what vegetarians eat!) but I just really want to go swimming and do some major gym flirting at the local gym to show off my new bod!

I know Tejal begs me to post photos, but the truth is, I always have a jacket on!  It rarely comes off, since I am always cold (sitting next to a server room, and infront of an AC vent makes work difficult without one!)   But I do have a cheesy Myspace worthy photo I took in a jacket a friend bought me for my 18th birthday.  I have had this jacket forever, and it has not fit me in two years!  So it was an accomplishment to be able to sport the jacket this weekend at Knotts Scary Farms!  I will make Jackie take a better photo of me later on in the week to show the company the weight loss results!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The nerd zoo... population, one.

The past week has been crazy!!  Between work, school and helping put on the last show of the season, I have not had a chance to sleep, eat, or be merry.   (Ok, you caught me, I have slept and eaten... but I have yet to get the chance to dance around a May Pole...)

The past few days at work have been extremely physical.  Melanie an I decided to make the IT storage cage a little more "female friendly".  No, we did not hang photos of N'Snyc on the walls, (because we all know that 5ive was the better boyband) but we organized the crap out of it.  But when it comes to IT equipment, a lot of it is heavy!!  Being 5'4" most of the lifting was above my head, so it was a nice tech induced workout.  :-P

All-in Yoga is still prob my favorite iPhone app for working out.  I have def gotten way more flexible and my core has way more strength than I have had in a long time!  I am prob still not the strongest girl int eh world, yet... but I think I am strong enough to run around the streets of LA dressed as a superhero to fight crime, or to fight Spongebob for bashing my mom because I didn't tip him for the photos.  What started as "aww man an HOUR of working out" has now gotten to "What program can I do next!!"

I have started to feel way more energetic in the past few weeks, I am pretty sure its the healthy eating and working out, but shouldn't working out tire me?!  The other day I had a Red Bull (Sugar Free.... duhh) and I was so energetic I couldn't sit still.  I felt like a kid who was dropped off at Chuck E Cheese and beat the stupid bully at skiball.  Usually I need a Red Bull to wake up in the morning, but I had to actually cut down on them or I would be too obnoxious for work.

I am honestly getting tired of working out indoors.... I am ready to see the sun (or fog in my neighborhood) I am also ready to show off my new awesome skills in the classes we have at the office!  Since I can only use technology, I am not aloud to take the classes that are provided here.  I actually used to only take them once in a blue moon (aka, I had a date that night and I was last min cramming to get thin...because thats how school works, my body should be the same) but now that I am back in shape and starting to look good, I want to go to classes!!  I cannot wait to kick ass in the Yoga class, and get my ass kicked in the Burn Bliss class.  I am counting down the days were I can go swimming!  I miss swimming so much!  I am debating joining the Y so I can take water aerobics since I miss the water so much!  (At least I will be the best looking one in the class since they will all be 60+....go ahead make your Florida jokes now) Once this program stops, it will be my real challenge of keeping it off!

I am getting so many compliments I have decided to approach Jackie with a Fit for Height program... that way I will be runway model height and can finally live my dream of becoming a model.... okay my goal in life is to score a reality TV show so I can be a socialite and not have to work at becoming famous and rich.  I dunno if I have teh right material for a reality show since I don't really have the exciting life of getting drunk and falling in the street....DARN MY CLASSINESS.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Post- 9/11 Post

I would like to take a second to thank those who have served our country and take a moment out of my day and out of my blog to shut up about food and exercise for a cause that is bigger than me and hits all of us close to home on this month, but should be looked at 12 months a year.

I know I have drilled this in most of your heads 1000 times, but if I could reach out again to see if there is one person who has not read or heard my speeches about donating to the troops.  Every year I donate our broken phones to Cells For Soldiers so that our US Troops can call home when deployed overseas.  Each phone donated by Red Bull gives one soldier a 60 min calling card to talk to his loved ones.

While you are hoarding that BlackBerry 8700c for a rainy day, or the phone with the broken screen just because you are afraid I am going to judge you, think about how many times a week you get to talk to your child, husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, mother/father, or just your best friend that you lean on every day. Now imagine being sent to a shit hole land where you cannot get your Big Mac or Taco Bell (I am a fan of the Fresco Menu!) and your contact with your family, you lose all of your privacy, and your life is at risk 24/7.  These men and women are displaced from their families for months at a time, and the least we can do is send them just a bit of love!!

Please, if you have any phones that are lying around your home or office, drop them off at my desk at any time!  Year round I collect the devices, so you are never too late to give!

Also, I would love to send out multiple care packages so if you are interested in donating any toiletries or easily shippable non-perishable food, send it my way as well!!  Something small like the toiletries you steal from the maids cart at the Hilton can make a soldiers day!

Thank you all for your support, and time!

Horses for the Heros - A charity under Horses for the Handicap that help soldiers injured overseas gain confidence with horsemanship and riding skills!
Cells for Soldiers - Donate your old and used phones to help send soldiers calling cards
Adopt a Platoon - Apply to adopt a platoon and send care packages and letters while they are deployed

Friday, September 9, 2011

Vacations over

So I am finally getting back in the groove of eating at home, working out, and working.  It is always nice to return after a long period of time, since everyone notices your weight loss if you just go away for a while.  (Or they just miss me and want to show how amazing I am.... yea prob that!)

I am kinda ready for the end of the competition now!  All of my buddies and co-workers have all started to take classes at yoga studios and fun outside things (Fall is my favorite time of year) and I feel deprived that I cannot flaunt my chicken legs to the world!!

I am also in dire need to hit a tanning bed (yep, I tan inside, like a nerd... because I keep the fit for tech spirit alive!) I am more pale than casper... I am pretty sure you can see through me if you really tried.  I need some vitamin D to make myself look awesome!

I am def dropping the pounds (but not as fast as Ali Lohan... although I did propose that Plastic surgery is not below me!) and have been getting a ton of questions on how I am doing it only playing video games.

First, I play approx. one hour of an active video game, i.e. Wii Fit, EA Active2, DDR (I attempted this once, failed miserably, and it just is not rewarding to get yelled at by Ash from PokeMon) ect.  I also went from a diet heavy in carbs and cheeses to a balanced diet with a ton of green crap that is not gummy bears!  I think they are called Vegetables.  Honestly the Green Giant Steamers bags are my best friend,  I can eat massive amounts of them without the guilt... and since I live alone, they are usually in the perfect size!  Rex isn't a big veggie eater, but he will sometimes gobble down some carrots.  I also cut out all white carbs and eat whole grain when possible, I found at whole foods tortillas that are 80 calories each, extra fiber and whole wheat.  These are my favorite to make an egg white burrito.  I also use salsa as a condiment.  I will put it on anything, except ice cream, when I need an extra kick of flavor!  It tastes great on rice, tofu, chips, ect.  I also do not drink, ever... I am sXe as fuck!  This allows me to not consume excess calories while in a hazy mood of cheese fries cravings!  I miss my cheese fries and breakfast burritos.

I would like to get down to my goal weight before halloween, and after that I would like to learn just how to maintain.... Now that I am in a routine of eating 1200 calories, it will be hard to add more healthy calories and be able to keep it like that FOREVER!  Or at least till I meet Elijah Wood and after the wedding :-P

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh nooo Technology failed me!

I went out to San Francisco with my best friend this weekend, I def had a blast with him since we havent seen each other in years.  Two days before we left I was thinking, "wow I should really get my car looked at before I drive 400+ miles north, but maybe I can gamble with it...."  Then my brakes decided to go out on the 405.  Luckily, nothing bad happened, and I got the car to my local mechanic to fix the $500 issue... ARRRG

I got the car fixed and headed out to San Francisco with Rob.  It was def a fun and great experience, and a fun road trip seeing all the "Happy Cows" which I referred to as milk cows, and Rob decided to remind me that people eat cows and most likely those were not "Happy California Milk Cows".
Scary hallway in Alkatraz

We def got a ton of steps in this weekend, walking around Alcatraz, China Town, San Jose, and even a mile long walking tour through the Winchester Mansion.  (Yes, the house is over a mile long tour through the house!  How did a crazy old lady not get lost in it!)

I also attempted BART public transportation.  I learned how to read a subway map and get around a strange city without getting stabbed to death.  Which in my mind, is an accomplishment!

I did some brief workouts through the iPhone, since I forgot my iPad at home :( and contrary to popular belief, I do not frequently travel with a Wii.  But since I was getting double my daily walking workout, I figured it was okay.
RIP tire :(

On our way home, Rob and I decided to drive across the golden gate bridge... on the bridge, my tire decided it no longer wanted to drive, and popped!  Looking at my tires, I decided that they were balder than a 50 year old man.  So I was forced to purchase new tires at the local Wal Mart.... which I discovered that California Wal Marts, are NOT like the rest of the country.  They are dirty and have fist fights over boxed wine.

Us being totally attractive on the Golden Gate bridge... Hands Free Laws do not apply to cameras!
I ended up losing weight on my trip from the "Hurry up and Go" situations that we were in, so it was all in all a great trip!  Pounds lost, did not get shot on the BART, good friends, good food, and a great time!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Peace out LA, its been real... REAL LAMEEE

I start my vacation today!!!  I am stoked!  My childhood friend is coming in town and we are driving up to San Francisco for the weekend.  I expect to do a ton of walking and a ton of cheesy photo ops and hopefully minimal criminal trouble.  (If I get in trouble I am either going to scream "Go Raiders" or "Meat is Murder" depending on my attacker.)

I have been working hard on the yoga app and am liking the results... Till Tuesday when my body thought that it would be really cool to pull a muscle in my leg.  It hurts, it hurts like the feeling of 300 spartan children (children so its not life threatening) punching me in the leg.  I took yesterday off working out, and will prob do a light LIGHT yoga or wii fit tonight.  I will be interested to see how my working out goes with the traveling and driving 8 hours to San Fran.

My iPad will be my hardest trainer this weekend, so lets see how it goes!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hunt for the Red Lightsaber...

I had my best day in steps yesterday, but it was not planned.... I was taking my "Cigarette break" (Once a day I go out and have a fake smoke break just to get some fresh air and walk around the back....Since I dont take lunch breaks, I enjoy this!
My friend and I discussed her boyfriend, and how I felt like a DB for being mean to him once...So I came up with the joke idea of getting him a Lightsaber of Peace!!  Great on paper, hard in real life!!  This generation is so screwed up, that 1- there are no toy stores in south bay, and 2- Kids don't know what Star Wars is!!!!
So I searched two malls, one of which is the worlds longest and confusing mall, and finally found a Sears with a toy section.  This process took a good 3 hours of walking around, pushing old women (upper body workout, whaaaaa) and screaming at children.  I finally found a pile of beaten up boxes.... I picked the less opened one and got it.  (It is a Darth Vader one, so I really hope he doesn't think I am calling him the root of all evil.  But wouldn't getting him an Anakin one say the same...?)

I finally got home at the late hour of 7pm... and had a quick bite, some yoga, and went to bed!  By the end of my Star Wars expedition, I had over 25k steps... Apparently shopping really is a good form of weight loss!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Yes folks, it is that time of year, Pumpkin flavored foods, and my favorite accessories are socially acceptable to ware again!  BOOTS!!!  I bought a new pair for the occasion and am super excited to get them in the mail!

Boots save the freaky long legged girls like me, from looking like freaks of nature with no upper body!  Since I lost a ton of boots in the move, I am excited to repurchase my boot collection for Bethy 2011!

My Yoga app I think is working, I am actually sore from yesterdays workout!  I am excited to finally tone out the weight I lost.  But due to a mishap with my self tanner, I will not be showing my legs for a few days... I have grown to hate planks, and downward dogs, but I know I will be happy with the results in the end!

Now I have to start thinking about what I am going to be for halloween?!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My new best iPhone app

Yesterday a pop up came on my All-In Fitness app.... usually I hate pop ups, except the ones that say I won a brand new dodge viper... but I am a Chevy girl, so those suck too.  It told me to buy All-in Yoga.  I figured, what the heck, I need one to make me look hot and cute for my San Fran trip, and so I can do this while I am in a cramped little hotel room.  (I do not travel with an XBox often)  I tried it out and the 50 or so different workouts they had were all categorized by level and problem spot.  I am a computer geek, so my upper back always needs work, or I will turn out like Quasimodo and no one will marry me. (I don't want to marry a Gypsy...but I do want the party!) It was a 45 min program of intermediate positions, Simple handstands, and tons of Downwards Facing Dog.... I felt like I had to do twenty min of plank, but I was determined to do this.

As the sick person I am, I watched hells kitchen on my TV an my cellphone tried to tell me to relax, Ramsey flaunted Risotto and told me that I was a bleeper for cooking the fish wrong.  (I am a vegetarian jerk head, how am I supposed to know how to cook!)  And yes, I do see the irony of watching food while I am working out... but I really love trashy reality... I can't help that multitasking involves this.

When I finished, I felt relaxed and darn good!  I cannot wait to do this again tonight.  (It was a two part series show on Monday!)

I also played a practice game with Jackie today for XBox Kinnect Sports for my challenge on Friday with Mike.... I think I am going to redeem myself from the burn called Kuz.

I also got a sweet Veggy cookbook from Boarders (RIP :( ) this weekend and I cannot wait to try out some of the great recipes.  It is filled with a bunch of small bites foods which will be great to snack on throughout the day!  I have been eatting a lot of Tofu and portabella mushrooms, so it will be nice to have some different foods.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

iPhone/iPad, lets see what you got!!

I have been depending on my Wii for a while now, trying to loose weight using the videogames (And believe me, it is working!) but this week I want to switch it up!  I can only do so many foot fires without getting bored.  I feel like I am getting used to the workouts, even if they state they get progressively harder, I am going to try to use my iPhone and iPad for the week so I can do this while traveling next week while I sit in a car for 6 hours!

I have a few apps that are made to workout, and I can use netflix to have Billy Blanks kick my ass.  (Beat that Tejal...Billy Blanks is my coach!) [Actually in high school, my Aerobics teacher was too lazy to teach us so she would play "Tae Bo" videos every week or so, so Billy and I go back from when he taught me in HS]  I still track my calories on my phone daily and my weight and Muscle Mass.  I depend on this phone more than I have in my 15 years with one.  (Well I was the champ of snake in my school when I was a kid and my Nikon with the NSync Cover....gosh I was so cool!)

Lets see how it goes kiddos!  So far I have dropped almost a percent of body fat in one week, which in my opinion, is pretty darn good...What do you think Billy?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Looking good!! Or maybe just Good Looking!

This weekend I got the boost of confidence when I got a sweet Groupon (because I dont pay full price for anything) on a hair cut/color.  Although they did not give me what I wanted (Apparently long diagonal bangs means, just a trim) I did get the dead ends cut off and my hair is not some ugly faded mouse brown.  So when your hair looks good you feel good!  (I think that it counts as weight loss too since I had hair down to the middle of my back)

I also DDR'ed this weekend, like a little nerd and worked up the sweat being the most uncoordinated girl in the world.  Its depressing when even your Wii is calling you a loser!  DDR is prob my least favorite game in my collection, but I just wanted to switch it up a bit.

I am thinking of buying the Ultimate Fighter workout, a lot of friends have tried it and loved the game, but I am skeptical and really do not want to give my hard earned dollars to anything involved with TAPOUT.  (Tapout shirts = DB...nuff said) And what if I become so ripped I look like Chyna or something?!  I am a petite cute little girl, I will not look good all buffed out!

I leave for vacation with Rubba in a little over a week.  We are going to San Fran for a convention for him, and I want to look the best that I have looked in several years.  This is going to be a hard work of workouts and diets.

I also have to get fitted for a bridesmaid dress for Jenna's wedding soon, so I am kind of nervous to see what size I am now.  Hopefully it is something good!!

It will be a hard week, but lets get on it kiddoS!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rebecca Black will not be looking forward to this

I worked my ass off last night!  Not because I needed to, but because I have a dance off with Jackie tomorrow morning... the only issue is, I can't dance!  I can sing, act, be cute, but I cannot dance to save my life!

More so, I can not dance to MJ since I have absolutely no idea any of the dances!  When I was a kid I listened to ShowTunes and Country, when I became a teen it was ShowTunes and Emo.... Now as an adult, its Showtunes, Country, and Emo.... No room for MJ.  Heck! When I was a kid I thought Smooth Criminal was by Alien Ant Farm!  How the heck am I supposed to win this?!

Oh well humility is good for the soul, right?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Losing weight in all the wrong places!! ARRRG

So I am down a substantial amount of weight since I first started dieting, and I am finally starting to see the results and notice with my clothes.... Unfortunately, it is in all the spots I DONT want to lose weight in!  I bought two of the cutest pairs of pants about a week ago in the mail, and they came in on Monday.  Excited I threw them on (Ripped the tags off one of them, because I know everything including my pant size so I dont try things on.)  All day yesterday I was running around work with my hands at my waist, HOLDING UP MY PANTS!

Now these are cute little jeans (luckily not expensive ones, because I am a deal finder!) but skinny Kate Middleton jeans only look good on you, if they fit!  I feel like I am waring boyfriend jeans and I am dating Connor Oberst.  (I would prob date a boy who wore skinny jeans... I am not going to lie)

So now I am running around with skinny little legs, and a HUGE (but short) upper body!  ARRRG.  Time to stop running and time to get my core pumping!  Tonight it is going to be all about the Wii Fit and me!  I have made a weekly schedual of workouts so I need to learn to stick to it::

Sunday: C25K-- Light workout on Wii
Monday- POLO!!
Tuesday- Rest (Just getting in the steps that day)
Wednesday- EA Fit
Thurs- C25k- Light Workout on Wii
Fri- rest (Steps...because Rex still needs to move his fat butt!)
Sat- EA Fit, c25k, or Polo.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Florida, Natures Steam Room

I spent about 9 days in Florida, and it was nice to go back home for a bit.  I haven't been back in about 4 years, and I haven't been back to Ft.Lauderdale in closer to 6 years.  I ran into some old friends, helped my childhood best friend with her new wedding plans (Excited to be your bridesmaid Jenna!!) and walked along the beach with my mother twice a day for the entire trip.

Holy Hot Cow I missed you!

I all of my 10 readers, I apologize!  I was out of town on business for a few days, then took a well needed vacation to visit the parental units in Florida.  I still was working my ass off for the entire trip, using exercise videos on my iPad, and walking with my mom along the beach each morning and afternoon (As soon as I find my FitBit, I will log my steps!!)

I have been doing incredibly well!  From my heaviest weight (Which was before the original weigh in. So do not be alarmed Tejal.) I have lost over 20lbs!

My diet has been easy in Florida, mostly because my mother is a diet freak and used to work for Weight Watchers, so she knows a bunch of tips and tricks!  I am more scared of my vacation in San Francisco over Labor Day that I will cheat with my buddy Rob.  (Every time I see him he tries to fatten me up)

I have not tried out some new gadgets yet, but I have some ideas and apps that I would like to try out.  Today I have a Polo Scrimmage, so I will not be working out at home (its already a full body workout and I feel like I am cheating if I workout and ride that day).  But Tomorrow will be back in my crazy workout mode!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I cant think of a witty title right now.

The Man bringing down Rex

I finished day three on a great note.  I got home from work late, but I was able to squeeze in a 30 min workout on the Wii EA Fitness2.  The game is radtastic since it measures your heart rate throughout the entire game and gives you averages after your workout.  I read somewhere, that the games will only give results if you are playing on hard, so naturally, I play on hard.  Also, because I am not a n00b who cant do a measly squat.  Once that was done I got the results and was unpleased with the fact that I burned under 200 calories in 30 min. but I did break a sweat.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Can I put in an IT request for 25 hours a day?

Theodore Roosevelt II AKA Rex the Wonder-dog! On his walk to the park!
Maybe starting a fitness challenge the week before finals and a business trip was not the smartest thing in the world!  Yesterday I decided to be my light activity day since I had to my group meeting with my classmates after work.

I go to school online at Penn State (GO LIONS!) so I am usually rushed to get off work on time, gamble with the highways, and then log on to the chat room.  Since the project is due next week and our video editor decided to drop the class, (How do you drop 2 weeks from the end, and how do you fail an online computer class?!) we had to discuss ways of filming a group video when one of us is 2000 miles away... ARRG!

Then I had to jump on a call with the equestrian board to make sure someone had taken over my responsibilities as barn manager this show, (Horse moms are crazier than soccer moms...FACT).  Luckily, on the call I strapped the dog up and we went for a walk!

We did not have much time to walk since my hometown does not have street lights, but we made it to go to the park and play for a bit.  To be fair to technology, I used the app SprintGPS.  It uses the GPS and measures your speed, distance, and time you walked.  After it maps out your route.

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone that has come up to me in the past few days with their words of encouragement and their personal success.  It is wonderful to see and hear the results that have come from eating right and being active.  They are wonderful words of encouragement and I am super proud of everyone of you!  I really hope Tejal is getting the same pep talks!  I do feel like I have an advantage of constantly being watched at work by co-workers and being challenged and supported during the day.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Level one

So Jackie stopped by my desk today with all of the goodies that I need to get Fit, and I did my weigh-in.  The weight-off starts now!  I choked down my nasty health filled oatmeal breakfast, set up the Xbox, and Wii, strapped on my FitBit, and am now choking on steamed veggies and brown rice (I think I am the only vegetarian in the world who is allergic to veggies) maybe if the food tastes like poo I will eat less!  PORTION CONTROL!

One of my co-workers was pwned by me in XBox Kinnect Sports.... what we did not know, is it actually video tapes you playing with one another!  EMBARRASSING to say the least, when we get it setup on XBox Live, I will post some of the best.  I also got my first battle scar when I kicked a chair playing soccer, it was funny, but hurt.

I am also checking out a few iPhone and iPad apps to help track the weightloss and help train when I travel and on the weekends.  I cannot really review any quite yet since I do not have any results, but I am fond of abworkout free, C25k and GetinShape.

I weighed in, and am not pleased with the results.  I lost approx 10 lbs before we started the combination so it scares me that I was that out of shape from my petite 115lb frame I had in college (My license says I am 110, so we will go with that!).   I can do this though, and I know I will look super cute by the end of summer, just in time to freeze to death without a winter fat layer.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lets get this powered on!

I am getting my last min details done for the fit off! Here are the details on my personal rules.  Both of us must stick to two completely different weight loss techniques.  Tejal will be using the "Old School" approach, nothing that plugs in, nothing (except a pedometer for a step off) that requires batteries.

I am stuck to a more MODERN approach!  I am to use ONLY technology to lose weight.  I am to use, but am not limited to, XBox Kinnect, Wiii, iPad/iPhone apps, FitBit, ect.  My trainer is actually located 2000 miles away in Miami and I am not to jog outside.  I am to log at least 10,000 steps a day, and keep my calories to approx 1200.

Red Bull employees (field and HQ) can compete against me and my high scores that will be on my XBox, Wii, and online!  I will post my best scores here if you want to comment yours!

Hopefully after this is over and done, and I am all hot and the most desired girl in Los Angeles, the Robots will find me valuable when they take over the world and they will keep me alive for troubleshooting purposes!

The calm before the storm!

Today announced the Fit for flight challenge.  Although I do not know Tejal personally, I am ready to kick her butt (hopefully neither of us will have butts to beat in the end!)  Below is the company announcement for all of my Non-Red Bull Buddies.

It's the battle of "New School" vs. "Old School" pitting two RBNA employees against each other to see which method would work best to reach Fit for Flight success.  It all started when Beth Winkopp, IT Asset Coordinator at RBNA HQ, came to us with an idea: get slim using only video games and technology.  We loved the idea.  Hey!  We're not talking about sitting around for hours burning a calorie or two playing Halo 2 or WOW.  We're talking about pumping up your heart rate by dancing to Xbox 360 Kinect and playing sports with Wii.  It's a good way to squeeze in some exercise without even knowing it.  It also sounds a lot more fun than regular exercise...

...which prompted us to think - what did people do before technology, before all the treadmills, heart rate monitors and the video games?  What happened to good ol' diet and exercise?  What if you get slim using everything but technology?  We thought of Tejal Wilson, Regional Accounts Manager in the Midwest, who had enlisted the help of Fit for Flight a few months ago.  We pitched the idea of helping her reach her goal the old fashioned way.  She immediately said "Yes!"

Here's how it will all play out:
From Monday, July 25th to Friday, September 16th (8 weeks), we challenge Beth (NEW SCHOOL) and Tejal (OLD SCHOOL) to embrace their methods and share with RBNA their experiences and progress via Fit for Flight communication and their own personal blogs:

The person that improves their weight and body fat by % the most wins the challenge.  Inspired by the Price is Right, if Beth wins she gets to keep her showcase of technology as well as Tejal's old school goods.  If Tejal wins, she gets to keep her showcase as well as Beth's new school equipment.

How Can You Participate?

Virtual Competitions:
Challenge Beth in the Fit for Flight virtual gyms.  The Xbox gym will be located in the IT department and the Wii gym will be located in the dining area.  After your challenge, submit the details (game name, who won, etc) to  All results will be posted on Wiiings.

Here is a list of Beth's current games:
xBox360: Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout, Game Party in Motion, EA Sports Active 2, Your Shape Fitness Evolved, Michael Jackson The Experience (can you tell I personally chose this?  Dance competition between me and Beth!)
Wii: Wii Sports, Wii Resort, Wii Fit

Got an Old School Idea?
Pitch it to Tejal to test it out.  Remember the rules!

Follow and Comment on the Blogs:
Beth and Tejal will be blogging for 8 weeks (links above).  Follow their journey and support them!

Let's see who wins the battle of "New School" and "Old School."

Fit for Flight