Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The nerd zoo... population, one.

The past week has been crazy!!  Between work, school and helping put on the last show of the season, I have not had a chance to sleep, eat, or be merry.   (Ok, you caught me, I have slept and eaten... but I have yet to get the chance to dance around a May Pole...)

The past few days at work have been extremely physical.  Melanie an I decided to make the IT storage cage a little more "female friendly".  No, we did not hang photos of N'Snyc on the walls, (because we all know that 5ive was the better boyband) but we organized the crap out of it.  But when it comes to IT equipment, a lot of it is heavy!!  Being 5'4" most of the lifting was above my head, so it was a nice tech induced workout.  :-P

All-in Yoga is still prob my favorite iPhone app for working out.  I have def gotten way more flexible and my core has way more strength than I have had in a long time!  I am prob still not the strongest girl int eh world, yet... but I think I am strong enough to run around the streets of LA dressed as a superhero to fight crime, or to fight Spongebob for bashing my mom because I didn't tip him for the photos.  What started as "aww man an HOUR of working out" has now gotten to "What program can I do next!!"

I have started to feel way more energetic in the past few weeks, I am pretty sure its the healthy eating and working out, but shouldn't working out tire me?!  The other day I had a Red Bull (Sugar Free.... duhh) and I was so energetic I couldn't sit still.  I felt like a kid who was dropped off at Chuck E Cheese and beat the stupid bully at skiball.  Usually I need a Red Bull to wake up in the morning, but I had to actually cut down on them or I would be too obnoxious for work.

I am honestly getting tired of working out indoors.... I am ready to see the sun (or fog in my neighborhood) I am also ready to show off my new awesome skills in the classes we have at the office!  Since I can only use technology, I am not aloud to take the classes that are provided here.  I actually used to only take them once in a blue moon (aka, I had a date that night and I was last min cramming to get thin...because thats how school works, my body should be the same) but now that I am back in shape and starting to look good, I want to go to classes!!  I cannot wait to kick ass in the Yoga class, and get my ass kicked in the Burn Bliss class.  I am counting down the days were I can go swimming!  I miss swimming so much!  I am debating joining the Y so I can take water aerobics since I miss the water so much!  (At least I will be the best looking one in the class since they will all be 60+....go ahead make your Florida jokes now) Once this program stops, it will be my real challenge of keeping it off!

I am getting so many compliments I have decided to approach Jackie with a Fit for Height program... that way I will be runway model height and can finally live my dream of becoming a model.... okay my goal in life is to score a reality TV show so I can be a socialite and not have to work at becoming famous and rich.  I dunno if I have teh right material for a reality show since I don't really have the exciting life of getting drunk and falling in the street....DARN MY CLASSINESS.

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